gray jujube

We are trying to get for gray jujube Welcome to build long-term marriage with us. Finest Rate Forever High-quality in China.
Grade one air dried gray jujube fruit
Grade one air dried gray jujube fruit
Grade Two Dark Red Gray Jujube Dried Fruit
Grade Two Dark Red Gray Jujube Dried Fruit
Superior Quality Sweet Dried Gray Jujube Fruits
Superior Quality Sweet Dried Gray Jujube Fruits
Grade Two Natural Air Dried Jun Jujube Fruits
Grade Two Natural Air Dried Jun Jujube Fruits
Grade one natural air dried jun jujube
Grade one natural air dried jun jujube
Special Grade Dried Red Jun Jujube Fruit
Special Grade Dried Red Jun Jujube Fruit
Sweet nutritious jun jujube fruit
Sweet nutritious jun jujube fruit

Contact Person: Sherry Qin



Address: A1-2606,Yuehai City, Kangping Road,Yinchuan,Ningxia

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